A Few Scattered Fanfics

Here are some XF stories.

Sary's Fic

Agents On Horseback
Author: The members of the Yahoo! Equus Alienus club
Classification: Parody
Keywords: joint-effort nuttiness
Rating: Uuhh... PG 13, maybe, or PG. And, well, not for the faint of heart.
Spoilers: None that I'm aware of
Summary: A joint-effort psychotic tale about agents and .. well .. horses.

All Things But One
Classification: MSR
Keywords: love, a baby, and a diamond ring
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: Set after "Requiem", Scully and her baby daughter await the return of the child's father.

City Mystics
Keywords: Uh ... madness?
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Badlaa
Summary: A post-ep for "Badlaa"

Emergency Room
Keywords: Emily, Mulder/Scully Friendship
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary: Scully has a near-death experience; Emily's POV

Eighteen Horses
Keywords: um .. 18 .. and horses .. ?
Rating: G
Spoilers: 7th season, dealing with CSM
Summary: A dying man stands in the shadows watching two people he suddenly envies.

Classification: V
Keywords: grey fabric
Rating: PG
Spoilers: slight and vague for Requiem, a little bigger for a rumor I heard about the coming eighth season, but don't quote me on it
Summary: Come here, Scully, sleep here.

Ode to Fight the Future
Classification: Parody
Rating: G
Spoilers: Fight the Future
Summary: A poetic tribute to the first big-screen adventures of Mulder and Scully.

Speak to Me, Scully
Classification: Mulder/Scully Friendship, UST
Spoilers: All Things
Rating: PG
Summary: Time catches up with Mulder and Scully.

We Wish You a Merry ... Xmas?
Classification: Parody
Rating: G
Summary: Nothing like carols to get you in the holiday spirit ...

Poetprincess's Fic

And When, At Last ...
Classification: MSR, RST
Keywords: Mulder Scully Romance
Rating: R
Spoilers: the Gethsemane arc, How the Ghosts Stole Christmas, The Unnatural
Summary: In the Gethsemane arc, Mulder put a gun to his head. Scully never knew. There could potentially be videotaped evidence of this.
**Winner of The Horse Kick Weekly Editor's Choice Award 12/05/99**

Darcy Farrow's Fic

Domestic Agents
Classification: MSR, RST
Keywords: Mulder/Scully Married
Rating: R
Spoilers: Slight spoilers from Detour and FTF
Summary: Eight years after Mulder and Scully become romantically involved, Scully describes their life together.

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