Good Show: Tuesday Night Rants

Desperate Hypothetical What-Just-Happened-and-How-Can-I-Make-It-Right and/or Wasn't-That-Cool-Let's-Make-It-Keep-Going Post-Episode Fanfics

Characters property of ABC and Aaron Sorkin. No infringement intended.

Note: White text means it's the newest fic here. This is in case a new fic ever gets written, which is rare on the Sports Night page.

Try this: Directly after watching your videos of the show, grab a keyboard or a pen and put down on screen or on paper exactly what it is that's on your mind. Here's what I've got so far:

The Confirmation Process~~After "The Apology", Casey wants to be cool again.

Dear Jeremy~~Louise answers the letter she was written in "Dear Louise."

The Belle of the Ball and the Sport of Kings~~A post-"Shoe Money Tonight" bit of Casey-Dana-chatter fluff ;)

Couldn't Be Better~~The first of what might possibly become a short series of stories set after "Ordnance Tactics"

You May Not See The Ring~~A roughly-edited and un-beta-read version of a post-episode scenario for "Napolean's Battle Plan." Lotsa weddings here ;)

Wine and Casey~~After "What Kind of Day Has It Been?", Dana finds solace in a phone conversation.

The Shortest Fanfic I've Ever Written~~After "The Reunion", Christmas cheer is spread.

September 7, 1983~~A post-"The Giants Win The Pennant, The Giants Win The Pennant" story, written in a desperate attempt to make things right between Dana and Casey, at least in my mind.

Medals of Bravery~~This one's following "The Cut Man Cometh"

Standing Here~~ Set just after "The Sweet Smell of Air."

Separate Ways~~ Set just after "Dana Get Your Gun" .. Keep in mind I have no earthly idea how to spell that Steve guy's last name.

The Hypocrisy of Cake~~ Set just after "And the Crowd Goes Wild," this is the story of liquor and cake, dresses and shoes, and of how to be all right.

In the Nick~~ Set just after there was NO EPISODE because ABC got the bright idea to pull us for sweeps! Grrr!

Wait For It~~ The no-episode story for the second week of the desolate no-show sweeps weeks.

Even Numbers~~A post-"Celebrities" fairly short near-vignette from Jeremy's point of view.

Things He Liked and Didn't Understand~~A post-"The Local Weather" glance at tension in the office and a different kind of tension between Casey and Dana.

He Stood and His Life Flashed Before His Eyes~~ After the events of "Draft Day I: It Can't Rain at Indian Wells," Casey stands at the desk for 60 seconds before deciding the fate of the show.

Close the Books~~Casey is always there, even after the events of "Draft Day II: The Fall of Ryan O'Brien."

An Epic Tale in Genre Style~~After "April is the Cruelest Month," the crew sits around discussing anything.

Nothing Happened on Thursday~~This post-"Bells and a Siren" story was 32 pages when Heather printed it out! Have at it, if you've got time!

It's Always Albuquerque~~Holy Horse! Sports Night returned on May 9 with an episode called "La Forza Del Destino," and here's my attempt to back it up with a post-ep .....

Affairs~~Set after what might be the last episode, "Quo Vadimus."

Stories that Aren't Post-Eps
It's one of nature's newest anomalies:
a fanfic by Sary that isn't a post-ep!

What Kind of Crossover Has It Been?~~by Ryo & me; a crossover with The West Wing. Character neuroses explode when two worlds collide; hijinks ensue.

Sixteen Random Acts~~My very first Sports Night fanfic!

Session~~A woman stays late at the bar.

All stories on page by Sary, and practically Heather, since I asked her like a million off-the-wall questions as I wrote each one of these.

Okay, after a failed attempt to create my own feedback form, here's the one I used to have ;)

Do you write fanfic?:
Did you read my fanfic? (And by that I mean "feedback, please!")

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