"For the love of GOD, a little civiliZAtion is all I ask!"

Okay, sorry .. I really love that. Anyway. Here's the quiz. (And by the way, isn't this quiz thingy cool? I just figured it out ...) ~~Sary

1. In what order did Casey say these names during "Draft Day I: It Can't Rain at Indian Wells"?
Dana and Sally and Gordon and me and Dana and Gordon and Sally
Dana and Sally and Gordon and me and Gordon and Sally and Dana
Dana and Gordon and Sally and me and Dana and Sally and Gordon
Gordon and Sally and Dana and me and Dana and Sally and Gordon
Dana and Sally and Gordon and me and Dana and Sally and Gordon

2. How many things does Casey apologize for?
a few things
several things
most things
half of things
a lot of things

3. Complete this quote: "Jeremy was on the phone ..."
"...with a man, who was in Tripoli at the time, who told him of a cricket player in New Guinea who took all ten rickets in one inning."
"...with a man, who was in Trinidad at the time, who told him of a cricket player in New Delhi who took all ten wickets in one inning."
"...and I didn't want to interrupt him."
"...with a man who was in Trinidad, who told him of a cricket match in New Delhi."
"...four times a day with his new girlfriend."

4. Who holds the copyright to "Happy Birthday"? (And am I going to get sued for asking?)
The representatives of Leonard Mooker
The representatives of the girl in the elevator
The representatives of Marty Scheinbaum
The representatives of Mildred and Mallory Moss
The representatives of Mildred and Patti Hill

5. What was incredibly boring?
Draft Day
the Y2K test
Jeremy's new girlfriend

6. Where does Louise go to school?
Arizona State

7. "You are a -----"
"---slimy, sleazy, oversexed, overpaid, adolescent blowhole!"
"--sleazy, slimy, adolescent, oversexed, overpaid, blowhole!"
"--sleazy, slimy, adolescent, overpaid, oversexed blowhole!"
"--sleazy, slimy, oversexed, overpaid, adolescent blowhole!"

8. "Three days from now it'll be ______."

9. Where has Jeremy worked in the past?
USA Today, Sacramento Bee, Oregonian
New York Times, Free Press, USA Today
USA Today, Free Press, Sacramento Bee
Lone Star Sports, Sacramento Bee, USA Today
McDonalds, Wendy's, Shoneys

10. How did Isaac start out?
as a stringer for the New York Times
as a reporter for CSC
as a cameraman for 60 Minutes
as a stringer for the Atlanta Journal
by covering the Gemini Missions

Your score:


*0 - 2 correct - I've never seen Sports Night.

*3 - 5 correct - She's started watching the show.

*6 - 8 correct - I just didn't know you were that good.

*9 - 10 correct - No one can produce this show but you.

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